EFT Tapping for Procrastination

On Monday I’ll start my new eating plan.
..Monday goes and you’re still munching down on the same unhealthy habits.

I’ll attend that gym class when I have more time next week.
..A month later and you haven’t stepped foot in the gym.

I’ll write that blog post once I … go to that meeting, have lunch, get this work done, go to the gym…

Sound familiar? We all suffer from the P word at some point, but no one procrastinates unless there is a reason to do so. Procrastination is a common form of self sabotage and can be triggered for many reasons.  Whether you’re avoiding it because you don’t want to come in contact with a particular person, you have a case of ‘Perfection Paralysis’ where it won’t be ‘good enough’ so you don’t even bother trying, or you’ve experienced a negative reaction from doing so in the past. Whatever the case, there is a block.

The good news is these blocks can be cleared simply and effectively with EFT Tapping.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a self-applied, stress reduction technique that involves a 2 finger tapping process on acupressure points on the face and upper body. 

It’s often described as psychological acupuncture without the needles.

There are 8 acupressure points you tap on, whilst saying a reminder phrase such a “Even though I don’t know why I procrastinate, and it makes me feel frustrated, I accept myself anyway.”


What beliefs are preventing you from taking action and moving forward?

·       Does procrastinating help you stay safe from feeling exposed?

·       Does it protect you from being criticised or judged? 

·       Does it protect you from failing?

·       Does it keep you playing small? 

·       Does it keep you from standing out and being seen?

·       Are you doing it to rebel?


The funny thing with procrastination is the behaviour appears to go against what we are consciously wanting and telling others we desire (healthy eating habits, joining the gym, writing that blog post, promoting your business, getting a better job etc).

Next time you find yourself leaving something until last minute, or decide you no longer want to put something off, give Tapping a go.

Done correctly, it will provide insight and clarity around the deeper reason you are procrastinating and will allow you to clear the negative emotion around it, creating a clear path for progression.